Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ending of Week 2

So again another week of the up and down weight. I'm not going to talk about that but I just wish it can get down.

I didn't talk about this at the beginning of this week but last Saturday I babysat Emma and Chance with Mama D. It was very fun and it kind of had a lot of emotions running. It makes me think of me and James. I know he would like to have a kid or at least the thought of having a kid right now would be awesome. But I told him that there is more to it. Like we would be okay right now if we decided to have a kid right but I want to wait till I'm done with school or at least in my last year of school. After being with Emma and Chance, it really makes me want to have one but I know we NEED to wait.We need to live our life a little. 

But enough about that.

This week was my official first week of school. It was quite interesting. I'm only going 2 days a week which is better, gas wise. And then I have an online class which I'm a little scared about but so far so good. In my crime scene investigation class we did our first lab and we casted our shoe impressions in the dirt, we did ink impressions of our shoes and biofoam impression with our shoes. We then casted our thumbprint with mikrosil and an item that has tool marks. 

The past couple Sunday's James and I have been going to Michael's church because they've been having a "real marriage" session (I guess that's what you can call it). I think it has been helping us but I kind of miss our church.The subjects that they talk about are awesome and opening our minds and bringing us closer than ever. They give you "homework" and this week we were to make a list. I was to make a list of things I appreciate/adore of my husband. He was to make a list of thing he loves about me. And we are to share them with one another. Then we are to discuss our ultimate En Gedi (oasis) date. And we are to make it come true. So tonight is my night. We are going to order in pizza, order a few movies, lay out a pallet and we are going to pop some popcorn, watch the movies and just cuddle. 

But I will let you know how that goes :) <3  

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